
Primary Education

Primary education (also known as elementary education) provides learning and educational activities that are designed to establish a solid foundation for learning and understanding core areas of knowledge and personal development. In this course, the teachers will trained on how to use the know of practice of Primary Education to prepare students for secondary education.

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Pre-primary Education

Call it Kindergarten, Nursery, Preschool or even Early Childhood Education, Pre-primary Education is the education that is typically designed for the child from the ages of 3 to start of Primary School mostly 5-6 years. It is the initial stage of organised instruction, designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment, that is,

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Early Childhood Education

Early childhood educators are responsible for caring for and educating young children. The areas of study within this career focus on both the cognitive and social development which includes various activities that engage a students abilities to flourish. The scope of ECE starts from age 0 to 6, some countries however extend theirs to 8 years.

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