The Student-Centred Classroom

A student-centered classroom, or student-centered learning environment, is one where the focus of instruction is shifted from the teacher to the student, with the end goal of developing students who are autonomous and independent, by placing the responsibility of learning in the hands of the students.

How to achieve this practically will be the major focus of this course.

36 thoughts on “The Student-Centred Classroom”

  1. I will say this is very good, indeed teacher centred learning has not helped Africa, The lessons in this package is what the 21st generation teacher needs. thank you for marking this possible

  2. in this lesson, I learn the following
    In Student centred learning, instructions are focused from the teacher to the students. Learning part shift to the teacher.
    it enhance engagement with students.
    Train students to develop problem solving skill
    It stimulates co-operation and team work
    Not only that, it help the students to adjust to individual learning group
    Also student centred classes fosters better memorization.
    Now how do we achieve this:
    We need to provide instruction to students needs
    We help the students to develop thing skills and many more.

        1. I have really learnt a lot from this course. I have been using some of the methods for achieving student-centred learning environment but I have added knowledge and information on how best to achieve this. Thanks so much sir. Just a quick one, we didn’t get the video of no 18 as you mentioned in unit 6.

  3. This lesson stands as an eye opener in achieving maximum teaching skills using students centered learning. It exposes great reality in teaching skils. A very big thank you to my great facilitator. More grace sir.

    1. Very interesting course . What a great observation in Nigeria education and also a great solution to it students centres classroom.

  4. Another thing i learnt about student-center is that, it gives an insight of good learning techniques reaching out to the most dullest student in class projecting true reaity to life. Thanks my great coach.

    1. This is interesting, I have learnt the following in student centered classroom, it encourage students participation in the classroom discursion and activities and help students to develop critical thinking skills to solve problems on their own, I really enjoy this lessons.

  5. Akinseloyin Oluwaseunfunmi

    This course broaden the scope of how education is to make up a total child. Which from the classroom, a child has a sense of belonging and critical thinking is developed through student centered learning.
    Thank you for the impartation.

  6. This is interesting, I have learnt the following in student centered classroom, it encourage students participation in the classroom discursion and activities and help students to develop critical thinking skills to solve problems on their own, I really enjoy this lessons.

  7. This is an interesting course. I have been using some of the methods but now am adding information to better myself.
    Thank you for the impartation.

  8. Student-centered classroom course shows the best way for teachers to impact students rightly irrespective of their individual abilities.
    Thank you Sir, for this great job.

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